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I’m new here

So, hi. I’m new like u see in the title. So by the username you can see i want be anonymous,i don’t know why but i think it’s the best for that way. Just don’t want people to judge me how i look but for who i am.
Lol.  I write like I’m like in some movie but why not?People see movies like not realistic just like some beautiful story that everyone is happy and bla bla. But life can be like that to. You can woke up happy and finish everything in time and everything happy happens to u. But depends what person u are.You can do everything when u want.
But get back to the title. So yeah, I’m new and i make this blog just to get all my thoughts and feelings that i can’t  tell to some people aroud me. So this is the first post, i think some of u will read it hah.

                                  xoxo, AnonymousGirl